

Sed interdum massa lacus, a porttitor risus gravida sed. Nulla ultricies ex non sagittis vulputate. Integer fringilla convallis risus, id semper est interdum non.


Quisque molestie tristique nisi et luctus. Proin eget velit quis lorem euismod pulvinar. Phasellus lobortis tellus dignissim metus varius volutpat. Integer a lacus mauris.


February 20th, 2023|

The Parker OIL-X range of die-cast compressed air filters has been designed from the outset to meet the air quality requirements of all editions of ISO8573-1, when validated in accordance with the stringent requirements of ISO12500-1. An efficient and cost effective manufacturing process is a major factor in maintaining the profitability and growth of your business. Designed using domnick hunter filtration technology, OIL-X filters are designed to not only minimise the use of compressed air and electrical energy in their operation, but also to significantly reduce the operational costs of the compressor by minimising pressure losses. OIL-X filters incorporate a number of unique and patented design features to minimise differential pressure and provide a filter and element combination where the differential pressure starts low and stays low to maximise energy savings and provide the lowest lifetime costs without compromising air quality. Technical Specifications Maximum Flow Rate : 36 m³/h @ 7 barg (21 cfm @ 102 psig) Filter Type : High Efficiency Coalescing Micron Rating : Down to 0.01 micron Connection Type : BSPP Division : Gas Separation and Filtration EMEA Brand [...]


February 20th, 2023|

Parker PVplus axial piston pump with variable displacement has been designed and optimized for demanding use in heavy duty industrial and marine applications. With pressure ratings of up to 420 bar and high-speed ratings this open circuit, swashplate principle axial piston pump provides high productivity and power density to its users. Beside its robustness and exceptionally long service life, PVplus is also characterized by a very high conversion flexibility. As a standart every PVplus comes with an intergrated pre-compression volume which ensures low ripple operation and reduced noise emissions. A wide range of displacements and control options allows for a wide range a applications. Technical Specifications : Pump Type : Piston, Variable Operating Pressure : 420 Bar, 6000 Psi Displacement : 16 to 360 cm3/rev, 1 to 22 inch3/rev Flow Rate : 12 to 166 Gal/min, 48 to 630 L/min Technology : Hydraulics Maximum Operating Speed : 3000 RPM Maximum Fluid Temperature : 115 °C, 239 °F Maximum Noise Level : 96 dBA Download Catalog Here


February 20th, 2023|

The PVS Series Portable Purification Systems, available in several models, is used to draw water contaminated fluid out of a system, remove the water content and return the ‘clean’ fluid to the reservoir. Maximum flow 170 l/min (PVS2700). Reduce the catastrophic results of water contamination. Water is one of the most common and destructive contaminants in a fluid system. When water contaminates a system, it can cause serious problems such as: Corrosion by etching metal Fluid breakdown, reduction of lubricatingproperties, additive precipitation, and oil oxidation Reduced dielectric strength Abrasive wear in hydraulic components Specifications : Flow rate: 19 lpm (4.2 gpm). Height: 1651mm (65”). Width: 825.5mm (32.5”). Length: 1206.5mm (47.5”). Weight: 294.8 kg (650 lbs). Seal material: Fluorocarbon (EPR opt.). Condensate tank: 15.5 ltrs (3.4 gals). Dispersal elements: 1. Minimum operating capacity: 18.9 ltrs (4.2 gals). Vacuum (max): 25 In/Hg. Viscosity (max): 108 cSt (500sus) – disposable. 460 cSt (2150 sus) – packed tower. Outlet pressure (max): 4.1 bar (60 psi). Ports: 3/4” JIC (male) inlet. 3/4” JIC (male) outlet. FLA (full load amps): 15-41 amps. Download Catalog Here [...]


February 20th, 2023|

Parker's MPI™ Series is an inverted two ferrule design engineered and manufactured to provide secure, tight, and leak resistant connections for small bore instrumentation applications up to 15,000 PSI. Parker MPI™ Fittings are an inverted two ferrule, compression design. They are engineered and manufactured to provide secure, tight, and leak-resistant connections throughout industry, including off-shore oil and gas exploration platforms, research labs, and other facilities that require operating pressures in the range of 6,000 to 15,000 psi. MPI™ Fittings are ideally suited to handle liquids, gases, or chemicals and can be used on a wide variety of tubing materials including cold drawn – 1/8 hard (unannealed) stainless steel tubing, annealed 2507 seamless tubing or instrument grade thick-walled annealed stainless steel. Every Parker MPI™ Fitting is supplied complete and ready to install. Features/Benefits: • Front ferrule with corrosion-resistant Parker Suparcase® forms a seal between the tube, body and ferrule. It also provides a mechanical hold on the tube. • Back ferrule with corrosion-resistant Parker Suparcase® provides a strong mechanical hold on the tube. • Longer thread area for improved resistance to pressure and [...]


February 17th, 2023|

The heart of Parker’s TG Series powertrain, the drive link, is an extra heavy duty part that includes unique 60:40 spline geometry. Rugged construction throughout allows the transmission of up to 13,000 lb-in of torque. The entire powertrain is continually washed in cool, high flow fluid to assure long life. Roller vanes and sealed commutator maintain high efficiency and provide smooth low speed performance. Performance data based on testing using 10W40 oil with a viscosity of 200 SUS at 54° C (130° F.). Performance data is typical. Actual data may vary slightly from one production motor to another. Les donnees sur les performances sont basees sur des tests utilisant de l’huile 10W40 d’une viscosite de 200 SUS a 54°C (130°F). Ces donnees correspondent a des situations typiques. Les donnees reelles peuvent varier legerement d’un moteur de production a l’autre. Leistungsdaten sind gemessen mit SAE 10W40 bei einer Viskositaet von 43,1 Cst bei 54oC. Geringfuegige Abweichungen von den Katalogdaten sind moeglich. Datos tecnicos obtenidos con aceite 10W40 de 200 SUS de viscosidad a 54°C (130°F). Los datos proporcionados son valores tipcos. Los valores [...]


February 17th, 2023|

Parker’s broad selection of pneumatic fittings provide connectivity solutions for a whole range of pneumatic applications. We offer a broad portfolio of products within our pneumatic fittings range and have plenty of material options and device configurations to suit the demands of your project which are easy to install. They also have the capability to withstand a variety of industrial media. Our pneumatic fittings are suitable for use in a wide variety of applications serving across many of today's major industrial markets. Whether you need airbrake tubing, medical tubing or a particular material, such as PVDF or metric metal tubing, Parker makes it. Parker delivers one of the largest selections of tubing available from one manufacturer. Sizes range from .015” I.D. up to 6” O.D. depending on style. Download Catalog Here


Sed venenatis urna sit amet vulputate lobortis. Nullam dolor sem, varius eu luctus vitae, mattis id dolor. Proin ultricies feugiat ipsum. Quisque lobortis risus sapien, quis pulvinar turpis placerat ut. Vivamus eu egestas est, commodo ultricies turpis. Donec a consequat nisi, non pellentesque risus. Fusce lacinia sem a mollis tempus. Etiam in sapien non odio ornare iaculis vel vel enim. Sed velit urna, pharetra non quam nec, consequat hendrerit ex. Phasellus ac rutrum diam.


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