The heart of Parker’s TG Series powertrain, the drive link, is an extra heavy duty part that includes unique 60:40 spline geometry. Rugged construction throughout allows the transmission of up to 13,000 lb-in of torque. The entire powertrain is continually washed in cool, high flow fluid to assure long life. Roller vanes and sealed commutator maintain high efficiency and provide smooth low speed performance.

Performance data based on testing using 10W40 oil with a viscosity of 200 SUS at 54° C (130° F.). Performance data is typical. Actual data may vary slightly from one production motor to another. Les donnees sur les performances sont basees sur des tests utilisant de l’huile 10W40 d’une viscosite de 200 SUS a 54°C (130°F). Ces donnees correspondent a des situations typiques. Les donnees reelles peuvent varier legerement d’un moteur de production a l’autre. Leistungsdaten sind gemessen mit SAE 10W40 bei einer Viskositaet von 43,1 Cst bei 54oC. Geringfuegige Abweichungen von den Katalogdaten sind moeglich. Datos tecnicos obtenidos con aceite 10W40 de 200 SUS de viscosidad a 54°C (130°F). Los datos proporcionados son valores tipcos. Los valores exactos reales podrian tener una pequena variacion entre distintos motores.

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